Tuesday, August 16, 2011

2nd day of 2nd grade!

So my children must have some sort of internal clock that tells them that they should be done with the lazy days of summer this week every year, becasue yesterday, ( although I hadnt planned on doing any formal "school" stuff for several weeks), they decieded they wanted to work on some math problems, have a couple of violin lessons, watch 2 shows about sharks, and read a little bit of course... so I deemed it our 1st day of 2nd grade. (Not that our 'school days" versus 'non school days" look all that different at this point!) Anyhow, it was a relaxed day, but they were certainly in the mood to used their minds.
I have to say that this new thing we are trying with math, makes it see like math problems are much more like they are solving little puzzles or playing little games than"work" which is how I think it should be... not like trying to force information into their little brains, but letting them practice it in a non stressful way till it is just something they know, and can use whenever they need it.

Today we have done a little math review.. they listened to me reading a star wars book at their request, Em has done her First sequential spelling lesson ( which she said was easy peesy!) An we looked at my teachers calendar book to learn about what is special about this date.
They are also asking if they can play the games on Starfall that they used last year.. which they are probably well past understanding.. but hey, as long as they like it.

Probably going to try to see if Ian wants to try the spelling stuff later, but I have some appointments this afternoon, so we might have a laid back rest of the day... and you know what, we can, because we can do things on our own schedule, and still get so much done, soooo much faster and easier than expected! We LOVE Homeschooling!!!

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